Attention heart-centered women in business ready
to be SEEN and SHINE….

You know you have a message to share….
I’ll show you how to use speaking to expand your reach, gain visibility and grow your business, fast!

 Do YOU want to:

Make a bigger impact and stand out as the real YOU?

Drop what's holding you back from being the speaker, messenger and feminine leader you dream of being?

Have the confidence and clarity to be unstoppable as you discover and share your soul's unique voice and message?

If Yes, then you are in the perfect place!

Finally...Learn How to Bring the Best of You
and Your Experience to Get Noticed,
Get Your Message Out & Get Paid!

You have a calling in your heart that’s getting louder inside of you. You know you’re meant to speak on stage – whether large or small. To make a bigger impact with your unique message.

But there you are...sitting in the audience, again, with a smile on your face but inside, your heart’s breaking.

“How come she’s on stage and I’m still sitting here listening?”

“I have this dream and desire to speak…why can’t I just get out there?”

“Look at how she’s owning the stage and seems so natural, comfortable, confident – I could never be that way...”

“She’s actually getting paid for this?! I want that too!”

“How did she get this gig? I know I’m at least as good as she is, so what’s stopping me??”

If you have any of these questions going through your mind…

I know EXACTLY how you feel.
That was me for SO many years.

Who Am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?

My Story

TTK fave color

My life now as an award-winning,  international speaker and leader of an extraordinary community, Amazing Women International, Inc., looks a lot different than it did just a short time ago…

Just a few years ago, I came to LA with nothing more than a one-way ticket, one suitcase and just enough money for one month’s rent.

Well, I had one more thing…my dream and calling.

Before I came to LA I had already been speaking internationally. It all looked good on the outside, but inside, I was a mess. Everything fell apart - my marriage, my biggest client contract and my self-worth. I hit bottom . I found myself  starting again from scratch.

At times, I felt like a fraud. Who was I to have such a big vision for myself? I thought I had to be perfect and look like the other speakers and leaders I saw out there.  But there was no way I could do that - I was unique!

So I forged ahead, but the little girl inside of me was scared. She was the foot on the brake when I was pushing the gas pedal but not getting as far as I wanted to…and certainly not fast enough.ttkfraud

At the same time, I didn’t value what I brought, so I offered too much and gave away more than I had so I could feel like I was enough... Even when I had success, I didn’t trust it or own it. So I  kept losing my momentum and then had to start up again, which was even more exhausting.

I compared myself to everyone, even though as an original souI knew I didn’t really want to be like anyone else. I looked outside myself; coach after coach, “system” after system, hoping they would “fix” me.

I didn’t want to fit in, but I didn’t feel safe enough yet to stand out.

Is this sounding familiar at all?

I was determined. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t try! I studied spiritual teachings with masterful teachers, learned how to read energy and non-verbal communication. Believe it or not, I even went to a naked workshop to find my authentic self (yes, that’s right!) On a more traditional note, I did affirmations constantly…which all helped, but inside I was still yearning for something more.

At the same time, my business was finally doing well and growing. Soon I was out speaking on major stages alongside luminaries like Marianne Williamson, Les Brown, Lisa Nichols and others, hosting my own events, filling programs and working with great clients. Everything looked great.

I was even chosen out of thousands as a top-ten finalist in North America's Next Greatest Speaker Competition, which was a great honor.

I should have been happy….right?

But still something was missing...and then I got the most important lesson!

What was missing...was...

ME. MY unique voice

Trusting ME. Listening to ME. Valuing ME.

Not as compared to others.

Not what some guru or information product told me I “should” be.

But who I discovered, allowed and knew myself to be… in all my brilliant, flawed, beautiful, painful, fierce and more-than-slightly neurotic glory.

I got to know and love myself… and started speaking from that place.

That was when my speaking, business and life finally REALLY took off.

Now fast-forward to today and my life is amazing…



I love my life and the journey of who I am and who I get to be as a speaker, messenger and feminine leader following my calling (what I call my “Godwork”) and speaking from the stage!  Now I get to:

  • Enjoy a thriving multiple six-figure business doing exactly what I love.
  • Share the stage and my life with the most amazing man who claimed me, adores me and showers me with love, exactly as I am.
  • Lead an extraordinary community of amazing women who are playing a big game as speakers and leaders, and willing to go deep.
  • Speak  on stages and transform audiences of all sizes whether leading our own events or being invited to speak.
  • Feel the immense joy I get from seeing my clients soar as they enjoy my support and the “permission” to be real and do what they love
  • Love my life, play with friends and colleagues, and know every day that I am on purpose and doing what I’m meant for

I’m so grateful for every step of this journey and who I BE and who I continue to become as I live the transformation I teach!


Having taught thousands of women how to break free and find their unique voice, it’s now my passion and mission to share and teach it to YOU so you can:

  • Know your message and who you are here to be as a messenger so you feel great and grounded in your skin.


  • Marry your spirituality with your business and speaking in practical ways so you are congruent and in alignment with your heart and soul.


  • Make more money so you do more of what you love, give more to what’s important to you and thrive in your life and business.


  • Get clear on your message and bring your passion to your work so your clients become your raving fans and can’t help but tell everyone about you.


  • Have inner confidence and trust yourself so your sales from any stage are ease and grace-filled without feeling salesy and pushy.


  • Get yourself into such a high vibration so the universe starts dropping opportunities in your lap and you can receive it.

wendiknox"I emerged with a clear mission, message and a HUGE shift in how I see myself. And I booked 3 gigs!"

"I believe this will affect my business, my relationships and most importantly my joy.  I learned how to bring all parts of myself together and see how I can do that for others.  This work is invaluable. And I booked 3 gigs effortlessly!"

Wendi Knox, Founder of Oh My Goddess, Creative Director and Entrepreneur

leoramendeloff“Tracey completely transforms who women are on the platform.”

“Tracey Trottenberg is one of the most powerful speakers I’ve seen on the platform. She has this amazing way of embracing the woman that she is. I’ve watched the work that Tracey does with women. She completely transforms who they are on the platform. I highly, highly, highly recommend that if you are a woman speaker that you check Tracey out so that you’re able to explore, discover and then really express the feminine leader that you are.”

Liora Mendeloff, Founder - Women Speaker Association

"Speak Y.O.U. Now"
Your Own Uniqueness

Virtual Training Program  for Women To Find Your Message, Get on Stage and Transform Lives as the REAL YOU!

“Speak Y.O.U. Now” is designed to lead you through the essential first steps you need to take in order to:

  • Get out of your head and release what holds you back as we bust old myths and shift your MINDSET
  • Get clear on your MESSAGE and use that for any stage and all the ways you share yourself, your story and your work
  • Feel great in your skin, own the stage and ooze confidence and have presence as a MESSENGER
  • Uplevel your money conversation, wealth consciousness and stand in your value so you can MONETIZE your speaking
  • Get out there and become more visible as you MARKET yourself as a speaker and leader in your field
  • Stand out and MAKE AN IMPACT as the authentic you so people get who you are and want what you have without diminishing or dimming your light

Experience LIVE coaching with me!

Plus, we will have live Q&A sessions! You’ll get your own questions answered and hear me coach other women just like you. You’ll be amazed at how much you learn even when you’re not the one on the hot seat!

The support of other amazing women on the same journey

Plus, you will be part of the most amazing community of women!

“When one woman succeeds, we all succeed!”

This journey is not meant to be walked alone! It takes a village to raise a feminine leader and the community that is gathering for this is beyond compare.

You’ll see how I masterfully facilitate this to create a safe and sacred space for each woman to grow and experience her own process while in the company of other amazing women. You’ll learn expert strategies by hearing me coach and guide others. And, you’ll be connected with the MOST amazing women who are each doing their own inner and outer work while cheering you on! (My women even help each other find speaking gigs!)

The community and group coaching in and of itself is priceless! Combining the inner and outer work to bring out Your Own Uniqueness, along with the teaching, strategy and support you receive, this program is beyond compare.

Register before November 30th for this special price
Pay for the Entire Course In Full - $997 - Best Price
Click Here to Pay in Full
Purchase with a 3 payment plan of $340
Buy with Payment Plan

As soon as you register and claim your spot, you’ll receive a welcome packet and access to our Facebook Group so you can get started right away!

Here's what's included in your Speak Y.O.U. Now program!

What's includedREACH THE TOP(1)

  • Worksheets, checklists and cheat sheets
  • Live 75-90 minute calls with content and teaching, laser coaching and Q&A where I will personally answer your questions and help you breakthrough blocks
  • Sizzle Seat coaching and Message Makeovers
  • Access to a private Facebook group where you can dig in deeper with the most amazing women who are doing their own work as they support you on your journey.


    There is a unique way in which I create a very safe and sacred space on the calls and in our private Facebook group that is priceless.

I'm making it easy for you to say YES to YOU!

Click Here to Pay in Full
Buy with Payment Plan

Here’s what we’ll cover in the program:

Module 1 - MINDSET and Mythsmindset

Bust the myths that keep you comparing and second-guessing yourself instead of out there and on stage. Overcome the limiting beliefs such as the fear of being visible, the fear of being not good enough and the fear of not being ready. I’ll give you specific ways to align yourself on the inside to get out there on a strong ‘inner game’ foundation.

You'll discover:

  • The real "hero's journey" of a speaker and messenger
  • The energetics of speaking and the stage 'magnifier' effect
  • How to stop holding yourself back and unconsciously acting on negative beliefs that keep you on the sidelines

Module 2 - Your MESSAGE and Your Audience


Learn my 5-point ‘roadmap’ to design your talk for any stage. Find out what parts of your story to share, what to do when your ‘stuff’ comes up, and what NOT to say from stage. I’ll show you how to avoid the most common mistakes even seasoned-speakers make when sharing their story. I’ll also share with you the game-changing secret to knowing your audience and how to connect deeply and move them to action.

You'll discover:

  • The template to let you easily create any length of talk
  • The Structure and components of a compelling Story
  • The game changing key to know your audience and target, how to speak directly to them (including my handy the "Know Your Niche" checklist)

Module 3 - You are the MESSENGER


Learn how to establish your credibility and share your heart. How to claim your calling and speak about what you’re really about. How to be the real you on stage, know what is your ‘special sauce’ and give yourself permission to be fully self-expressed. I’ll show you how to integrate and connect the dots of what you bring to the table, stand out as an expert and springboard your speaking (most women have no idea how to do this and leave tons of money and opportunities on the table).

Specifically, we'll cover:

  • How to speak about what you’re really about, unapologetically
  • How to demonstrate your credibility and share your passion
  • The 5 step breakthrough process to identify and own your strengths and know what to do with your weaknesses
* This call will have “Sizzle Seat” live coaching and Message Makeovers

Module 4 - MONETIZE Your Message


Learn how to lead and close the sales conversation from any stage and make money as a speaker and messenger. We’ll evolve your wealth consciousness, raise your vibration and show you how to get into alignment so you can manifest your vision and desires with ease and grace. I’ll teach you how to demonstrate your value and invite your ideal target to take action in a way that feels great. You’ll get clear on your money goals, and hit them -- as you get connected with your true value so you can sell with total confidence!


Just some of what we'll cover: 

  • How to raise your frequency and wealth vibration to receive more money (without this piece you will self-sabotage)
  • How to hold the energy when you move into the sales portion of your talk (instead of getting nervous!)
  • Multiple ways to monetize your message so you get paid, no matter what!

Module 5 - MARKET Yourself as a Messenger and a Speakerttkclap

Learn how to get out there and get visible so you can expand your reach and help more people. Get the first step to start speaking and how to create your own stages (live and virtual, online and offline). I’ll show you how to use networking to get known as a speaker. I’ll also guide you through what kind of content to create, how to integrate it with your marketing and how to position yourself as a leader.

You'll find out:

  • The first 5 steps you need to take to land your first gig
  • How to start speaking right now and create your own stages
  • How to become known and build a name as a speaker while you're growing your business and visibility
* This call will have “Sizzle Seat” live coaching and Message Makeovers 

Module 6 - MAKE AN IMPACT: so You Stand Out and Be Seenbeseen

Learn how to stand out, be seen and taken seriously as a speaker. Get a rundown of the speaker materials you need now (including bio, photos and web presence). Represent your brand wherever you go with your verbal and non-verbal speaking energetics. I’ll share with you how you can have real power and presence on stage so people feel you and want more.


Specifically we'll cover:

  • What differentiates you and how to own it so you're compelling and relatable
  • The most important distinction so you never worry about comparing and competing
  • What you need in your Speaker Packet with checklists, recommendations and resources
  • Daily practices so you can integrate and align with your vision
  • Next Steps Action Plan

On each call, we'll go deep and I'll guide you through the process each week to embrace who you truly are, what you're here for and how to message and share that with others.

Pay for the Entire Course In Full - $997 - Best Price
Click Here to Pay in Full
Purchase with a 3 payment plan of $340
Buy with Payment Plan

I want YOU to have it all!

Here are some juicy bonuses I’m excited to gift you with for saying YES to YOU and joining us NOW:

  • BONUS #1: Register by November 30th and receive this Master Class Recording “The Power of Your Words To Manifest Your Magnificent Life.” Exclusive recording with me and my amazing husband, Speaker, Author, & Brilliant Man, George P. Kansas (value $200)

    Author and Speaker, Cancer Survivor George P. Kansas is a leading expert on the bio-physiology of the Law of Attraction. George will share his inspiring story of how he saved his life during his treatment for a rare form of Leukemia ten years ago with powerful and specific tools. Together, we will guide you through step-by-step strategies to retrain your brain and focus your language so you are only speaking what you desire. We’ll give you breakthrough tools to transform your money story, enhance your wealth consciousness and turbo-charge whatever else you desire to enjoy in your life.
 And we’ll do laser coaching and take your questions live!

  • Bonus #2: Get Your Talk Done Virtual Bootcamp

    I want you to be visible! When you join the “Speak Y.O.U. Now” Teleclass, you’ll also receive the Get Your Talk Done Virtual Bootcamp.  In this 2 hour session you will walk away with a roadmap for your talk and be in alignment with your content and your voice.

Register before November 30th to receive this special price!
Pay for the Entire Course In Full - $997 - Best Price
Click Here to Pay in Full
Purchase with a 3 payment plan of $340
Buy with Payment Plan

barbaraeisele“I have a whole new relationship with who I am, what I offer to the world and why the world needs me.”

“I have a whole new relationship with who I am, what I offer to the world and why the world needs me. If you have an opportunity to work with Tracey, take it! She is a ninja when it comes to getting to the heart of things and she does it in the most loving manner.”

Barbara Eisele, Speaker, Author, Transformational Coach


Screenshot 2015-04-14 15.37.54“Now I know how my whole life is encompassed in my message and topic!”

“I have worked with a ton of teachers, coaches, healers and what was different from any other program was that it really encompassed me – from what I went through and learned from my childhood, adulthood, corporate background and now my business and being an entrepreneur. Not only do I now know how all of that comes into my message and my topic, but who is my real target audience and how I need to talk to them. This was an amazing program and I could not ask for anything more than what I got. I’m really excited to bring this out to the world. Thank you!”

Desiree Meza, Speaker, Founder of Divine Spiritual Living

SandraYancey-5x7"Someone I have such admiration for."

"Tracey's just a rock-star.  She's someone I have such admiration for.  It really is her life assignment to do what's she's doing.  She's just the best.  Truly the best!"

Sandra Yancey, Founder eWomenNetwork

This program is NOT for everyone. I am creating a sacred space in this teaching so you can dive deep into your message and your truth. You’ll have the first  steps you need to use speaking to create a rocking business and life that helps others and brings you all that you wish with ease and grace.

This IS for you if you’re ready to:

  • Be supported and guided to help bring out YOUR real voice, message and truth

  • Dig in deeper to discover your inner messenger and find an easier way to attract and draw in what you desire

  • Make peace with the part inside of you that’s scared and bring that precious little angel girl inside of you along so she feels safe, seen, heard and can have some fun to

  • Be more present and have greater presence living your calling and Godwork

  • Are coachable and willing to let go of what you ‘know’ to discover what you don’t in order to have what you want

  • Share your heart and what you’re really about AND marry that with real business and speaking strategies and steps to get you out in the world

  • Honor and join in sacred, safe space with other amazing women of substance like you who desire to step out in the world as feminine leaders and speakers

This is NOT for you if you are:

  • Looking for a superficial or cookie-cutter system that copies someone else and leaves you out of the equation

  • Not willing to dig deeper and discover what’s inside of you that wants to be shared/wants to come out

  • Want to stay safe, hidden, superficial or on the surface with your message and why you want to be a speaker

What other Amazing Women like you have said
after working with Tracey Trottenberg

michellekoert“I landed my dream job that aligns with my unique skills and qualities!”

“Working with Tracey has allowed me to do the deeper work to create greater access to myself and to my truth. She is Tony Robbins caliber, but with one-on-one access to her. Tracey combines principles for success in Speaking, Leading, and Staying Feminine. Because of working with Tracey, I landed my corporate dream job in a customized position that aligns with my unique skills and qualities. My romantic partnership has improved because I’m expressing my feminine more fully. Working with Tracey has been one of the best personal development investments I have ever made.”   

Michelle Koert

“Helped me be mMary Jane Mahanore clear, refined and laser focused. Priceless!”

Tracey is a masterful coach and a communications ‘midwife’. Her intuitive gifts are keen, enabling her to nail a client’s ‘inner roadblocks’ and get to the heart of communication patterns that block one’s full potential. Her accuracy and her ability to help me be more clear, refined and laser focused has been priceless!  

Mary Jane Mahan, Writer, Speaker, Entrepreneur

janiejordan"Way more than I expected and I’m producing amazing results”

The work with Tracey was way more than I expected. It’s deep, personal and profound. Tracey is an amazing coach – very hands-on, very caring and very supportive. She truly fulfills the brand promise of her company name – Amazing Women. I experienced some profound insights and made some deep shifts as Tracey has challenged me. With her guidance, I am producing amazing results in my coaching and training business!

Janie Jordan-Meier, Author, Speaker, Crisis Communication and Media Expert

susan ramsey“So fulfilling and so life-changing!”

“I’ve been “Tracey-fied!” So fulfilling and so - seriously - life-changing. I have been so immensely impacted. This work is so much more than what I expected. And ten layers deeper. And higher. And it Rocked!

Susan R. - Laguna, California

It's time to understand your true value and bring together all the parts of you and your life, your struggles and successes, so you can have the most leverage to maximize and monetize your true heart and soul.

What makes Speak Y.O.U. Now different? I start where most others stop.

I’m willing to go to the depths with you to bring out the gold that’s inside of you AND marry that with successful business and speaker strategies.

This is about YOUR essence, YOUR voice and YOUR message out in the world in real and practical ways.

It’s my honor, greatest joy and GodWork to help you get yours out in the world!

In Speak Y.O.U. Now, you’ll learn how to get visible and tap into your authentic voice and life experience, trust and value who you are at the very core of your being, and use it to get on stages, attract incredible clients and impact way more people than ever before.


You’ll learn things like how to:


  • Bust through old blocks so you can get out of your way and let yourself soar

  • Get clear and discover the message you were uniquely gifted to deliver

  • Connect deeply with your audience and feel real confidence and authority

  • Value yourself and what you uniquely bring to the party, and sell from that place

  • Develop a rock-solid presence, poise and confidence on stage so you can relax and freely speak from your heart

  • Package your speaking and yourself so that others fight to get you on their stages

  • Make money -- a little or a LOT -- every time you speak!

  • And More!

Claim Your Spot Now! Spots are limited

Total Investment

Pay for the Entire Course In Full - $997 - Best Price
Click Here to Pay In Full
Purchase with a 3 payment plan of $340
Buy with Payment Plan

Frequently Asked Questions...

  • q-iconI’m in between things. I don’t really have a business right now. I’m in the midst of figuring out what to do next. Shouldn’t I wait until I have a better idea?

    By the time you’re finished with Speak Y.O.U. Now, you’ll be clearer on your desire for what’s next for you. It may be a new business, it may be a calling that surprises you. The only way to know is to jump into the exploration. Doing so with sisters there to support you will help you feel safe. In the safety of this community, you can explore your desires, your dreams, your calling in sacred space.

  • q-iconWhat if I’m not clear on my marketing message? Shouldn’t I get that done first before I invest in speaking to grow my business?

    I hear you. Of course you’re going to keep working on your marketing message, webpage, etc. The clarity of purpose and message that you’ll find in Speak Y.O.U. Now will infuse every other ‘spoke’ in your marketing and business wheel.  You’ll have more clarity and know who you are and how to represent your brand. Your marketing, your strategy, your plans, will all benefit from the work you’ll do the other amazing women in Speak Y.O.U. Now.

  • q-iconI don’t know that I want to be a “professional speaker”, right now, I’m thinking I just need to learn to speak to grow my business and close more sales. Is Get on Stage a good place to start?

    Absolutely! Speak Y.O.U. Now will give you amazing tools, insight and confidence to use for sales conversations, networking events, shooting videos and everything else you have to do to grow your business. We believe that “Everything is a Stage” and I’ll show you how to take all the strategies and specifics we discuss and use it for these other ‘stages’. That’s what makes this program and our work game-changing – you will learn how to be and speak about yourself and your business in such a way that you never have to ‘turn it on’. It’s just who you’re ‘being’ wherever you go…because who knows where your next ideal client, opportunity, gig or whatever you’re intending may show up!

  • q-iconWhen does the "Speak Y.O.U. Now" 6-week Teleclass start and what are the details?

    You will receive the virtual training modules and Bonus Master Class audios as soon as you register and the Get Your Talk Done Bootcamp will be held on December 15th at 1pm Pacific. All calls will be recorded and you have full access to the recording if you can’t join us live. Of course, I’d rather have you there live, but if you can’t make it to every call, no worries.  The Live Call dates are TBA and once you register you’ll receive everything else need. Again, if you can’t be the there live, we’ll miss you, but do understand. You’ll have the recordings and can catch up and jump in on the Facebook group conversations. We have you covered!

  • q-iconI think I may need more coaching than this program offers. What should I do?

    I offer many different levels of coaching. Speak YOU Now offers a great way to start. In fact, if you decide that more coaching is right for you within 60 days of completing Speak Y.O.U. Now, we’ll roll your investment in this program into the next package with us.

Look at some of the heartwarming case studies we have...

achaesajames“I discovered that my gift and my areas of expertise are so much bigger than I was seeing!"

“My personal experience is that Tracey sees participants in a way that we do not see ourselves and it truly felt like she was channeling my higher purpose as she coached me.  I discovered that my gift and my areas of expertise are so much bigger than I was seeing and Tracey pushed me to see the broader applications for my business.  I am now delivering international workshops, writing a book, building my own consulting business and engaging clients in public speaking forums."

Achaessa James, Speaker, International Trainer and Founder of the WISE Systems

kristy“Working with Tracey, I have increased my revenues by 66%, and doubled my prices for my programs!”

Tracey truly honors the sacredness of our work and integrates my little girl with the grownup, and the Divine Presence within me. Tracey pulled out exactly what I needed to experience and see to go the next step. Tracey loves it wherever I am, and joins me in the journey to mastery. It’s almost like she says, “oh goodie!” when we uncover a block….”Here is the next step on the journey.” Tracey has done, and continues to do, her own work. She guides me through my work with ease and grace and never puts her own opinions and judgments on me, and there is an instantaneous transformation when I ”get it”. Tracey is generous with her time, and her total focus is on us when working together. Tracey doesn’t step over a thing - she calls me on ‘my stuff’ with love and acceptance as if it’s perfect that I have ‘my stuff’. Tracey integrates it all into a way of being. While working with Tracey, I have increased my revenues by 66%, doubled my prices for my programs, found my ‘special sauce,’ trust the Inner Presence to be my supply, and love my little girl and bring her along with me. I would absolutely invite people to be a part of Amazing Women International! However, only those people that, no kidding, want to give up old habits and ways of being and are willing to be a leader and trail blazer in their area of expertise.”

Kristy Deegan, Life Fulfillment Coach, Long Beach, CA


tabbybiddle“From insecure to tapped into my feminine strength as a speaker and leader.”

"I went from feeling unsure and insecure to feeling tapped into my feminine strength as a speaker and leader. Your truth is magical and so needed in the world.  Thank you!”

Tabby Biddle, Speaker, Author and Feminine Voice Advocate

karynamore“Clarity, compassion and lasering-in precision”

"Wow - this workshop was amazing! Tracey facilitates in a way that brings clarity, compassion, warmth and softness and yet this lasering-in precision.  I'm so appreciative of this work!

Karyn Kraus-Amore, Entrepreneur and Speaker


Say YES to YOU and let's get you rocking NOW!

Total Investment

Pay for the Entire Course In Full - $997 - Best Price
Click Here to Pay In Full
Purchase with a 3 payment plan of $340
Buy with Payment Plan

My Personal Amazing Women Satisfaction Guarantee

I want you to be completely satisfied with the Speak Y.O.U. Now! 6-week Teleclass. If for some reason you aren’t, then I want to make sure you end up happy. If after being in attendance for the first two teleclasses, you aren’t completely satisfied with your purchase, let me know and I’ll refund your payment in full. Simply send us an email before the third teleclass describing why you aren’t satisfied and we will issue a full refund.

TTK cropped fur shotTracey Trottenberg

As a Master Trainer and Professional Speaker working across the globe for over two decades, I’ve worked with thousands of coaches, authors, speakers, entrepreneurs and specialists to help them hone their message and show up more authentic and powerful on stage. I’m honored to have been a top ten finalist in EWomen Network’s 2013 “North America’s Next Greatest Speaker” out of thousands.

I love teaching women how to step into their authentic voice and own any stage. I can’t wait to have you experience that for yourself when you join me for "Speak Y.O.U. Now."


Voices for the Voiceless™V4V logo

Saying YES to YOU is helping others too! Amazing Women International, Inc. shares revenue from all of our programs with active charitable organizations dedicated to the passionate empowerment of women, the vigorous protection of children and animals, the compassionate support of cancer patients, caregivers and survivors and the loving stewardship of our mother Earth. You're already using your voice for good and your dollars to give and help others!