Welcome!  Here are your ten free recordings of the Prosperity Playground with our compliments. Before you begin to listen to each audio, we invite you to prepare your space so that you're not distracted. Why not make this as powerful an experience as it can be? This is purely for YOU, after all. Close your door, tell your "world" you're offline for a bit, dim the lights, etc. Enjoy!
George and Tracey

#1 Click Here to Listen to your first Playground Recording: The Essence of the Playground

#2 Click Here to Listen to: Waging peace

#3 Click Here to Listen to: Letting go, needing less.

#4 Click Here to Listen to: What if ... ?

#5 Click Here to Listen to: The Power of Self-Care

#6 Click Here to Listen to: Forgive and prosper.

#7 Click Here to Listen to: Swing for the fences.

#8 Click Here to Listen: Biology and abundance.

#9 Click Here to Listen: Fitness as an abundance practice.

#10 Click Here to Listen to: Money listens. Influencing the particles in your field.

Bonus: Click Here to Listen to: 9/11 Special - The pathway to peace is purpose.