Tracey Trottenberg and George Kansas Present:

The Confident Speaker:
Feel the Fear and Speak Anyway.
Express Your Greatness While Inspiring Others

Your Voice Matters!

Please join us for this special training call on Saturday, January 24th at 10am PT / 1pm ET

What you say on stage matters. Who you’re being and who you become in the process of growing as a speaker is as important, if not even more vital than what you say.  It's an inside job as much as an outside.

This is the 'sweetspot' that makes you confident, clear and compelling. It’s what draws people to you!

You'll  walk away with:

  • 3 steps to breakthrough fear and trust yourself on any stage
  • The #1 key to have authentic confidence to speak and command the stage (and it’s not what most people teach about)
  • 3 mistakes even pros make on stage that will push your audience away
  • Real stories from real women just like you who are living their dreams, creating amazing results and speaking with soul right now

Enter below to reserve your spot on this complimentary training call.

We’re excited for you to join us as we pull back the curtain on what it really takes to get out there and speak your message. You’ll leave inspired and ready to rock your own message!

With love, Tracey and George

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We'll also be showcasing real women in our community.

Check your inbox for the call in details.
We'll also share information on
"Speak with Soul: Rock from the Stage" live event in Los Angeles.

We're excited to be with you on the call!